Accounting for Investment Properties

I often get questions about what can be claimed, depreciation, and the intricacies of property investment. While I understand a lot of it, I’m not authorised to give financial advice. That’s why I invited Tony to provide some expert insights. When considering buying an investment property, it’s crucial to seek advice before making any commitments. […]

Investment Property Renovations

I’m excited to share my insights on the types of renovations that typically offer the best return on investment for property owners.  The most impactful renovations include painting (both internal and external), replacing carpets, and updating blinds. Upgrading lighting and plumbing fixtures can also add significant value. Timing and Budgeting for Renovations Knowing when to […]

Understanding Rental Increases

Recent legislative changes have reshaped how and when rents can be raised, a crucial development in our fast-paced property market. I’m thrilled to be here to shed light on these changes and their implications. Understanding the New Legislation on Rental Increases With the new legislation, landlords can only increase rent once a year. Previously, some […]

Streamlining Property Management: Expert Insights on Handling Multiple Properties

In this episode, we’ll delve into the intricacies of managing multiple properties, drawing from my decades of experience in the field. Over the years, I’ve had the privilege of working with clients who have built diverse portfolios ranging from just a couple of properties to as many as 20. You see, managing multiple properties shouldn’t […]

Navigating Property Repairs: A Guide for Landlords and Tenants

Title: Navigating Property Repairs: A Guide for Landlords and Tenants Welcome back to another insightful episode of the Property Investors Handbook, where we delve into the intricacies of property management. I’m Colleen, your guide through the maze of tenant and landlord responsibilities. Today, we’re unravelling the complex web of property maintenance and repairs, shedding light […]

Navigating Legislation Changes with Expertise

We are ready to dive deep into a topic that’s near and dear to every property investor’s heart: navigating the ever-changing landscape of property legislation. Buckle up as I share my insights on how to stay ahead of these changes without breaking a sweat. The Importance of Staying Updated with Legislation Let’s start with the […]

Why Choosing Full-Service Property Management Pays Off

Welcome to the latest instalment of the Property Investors Handbook podcast, where I share my wealth of experience and insights into the world of property management.  The Risks of Choosing Discount Property Agents Let me shed some light on the risks associated with choosing discount property agents. As someone who has spent years in the […]

Navigating Property Investment and Management

My story in real estate began over three decades ago, starting as a receptionist and eventually establishing Sutherland’s Property Management. It’s been a journey of dedication and commitment to excellence. As a property manager, my role goes beyond property upkeep. It’s about managing the relationships between tenants, landlords, and the property itself, ensuring its value […]

Handyman -v- Contractor

I have just finished reading a very long article about a tenant being injured at a rental property. To save repeating the whole case here, in summary, the tenant lost his footing when coming up the front stairs, tripped and put his arm out to protect himself when falling. As a result his arm went […]