Top tips when applying for a rental property!

Looking for a house rent, can be exhausting.

Here are our top tips when applying or a rental property!

One of the biggest concerns for a landlord is having right tenant. Choosing the right tenant can be an exhausting task and if the due diligence or tenant vetting process is not done properly it can lead to great long-term headaches.

Carrying out the due diligence on a tenant before they move in is vital and requires a proactive and systematic approach.

This process should start from when a prospective tenant first views the property and continue right up until the signing of the lease (if they are successful).

In the July, August period the Gold Coast Rental Market did experience a downturn in demand, however demand is recovering significantly. As a result, we are carrying out a large number of open for inspections and receiving a high volume of applications.

A growing trend that we are seeing at the moment, is the increase of incomplete tenancy applications. In a rush to be the first application in on a property, prospective tenants are filling in the basic information sections and leaving seemly less important areas incomplete.

Which applications does a Property Manager review first?

The answer is easy, the properly completed applications!

Why is this?

Tenancy Applications not only work to tell a Landlord or Property Manager who you are, but also your ability to afford a property and to look after it.

A key part of our job as Property Managers is to select the best available tenant for a property in the most efficient period of time. Leaving blank a part of your Tenancy Applications impairs our ability efficiency to properly carry out the required due diligence and therefore your application falls further down the list.

So have to I give myself the best chance of being the successful applicant?

This one is easy, a little bit of planning going a long way! We totally understand that applying for rental properties on the gold coast can be stressful and time consuming, but you can save yourself and the landlord a lot of time by making sure your Tenancy Application is complete!

We can say with 100{945c2f198f155eb3d129e1c29144972f5f46ada65768ef6d08f2f8b488599dcd} certainly that we would not approve an incomplete Tenancy Application for the sake of getting a property rented.

Our Tops Tips

  1. Fully Complete your Tenancy Application Form
  2. Have your supporting documents such as ID, prove of income clearly scanned.
  3. If you are unsure about something call to clarify prior to sending in your application.

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