Handyman -v- Contractor

I have just finished reading a very long article about a tenant being injured at a rental property. To save repeating the whole case here, in summary, the tenant lost his footing when coming up the front stairs, tripped and put his arm out to protect himself when falling. As a result his arm went […]

Much Ado About Asbestos

Recently I attended an Asbestos Seminar that directly related to rental properties. It is an area of property management that has bubbled away in the back ground …. until now. It has come to the foreground …. with vengeance. With reference to the Work Place Health and Safety Regulation 2011 as property managers we are […]

Must haves for property Investors!

Checking your vitals.. Other than the tenancy agreement, the Entry and Exit condition reports are two of the most vital documents to be held during the management of your property. We pay great attention to detail in our condition reports to protect your property and your interests. Our reports not only detail the cleanliness and […]

What to do when a repair is required on your Gold Coast Rental Property?

It’s a fact of life that sooner or later your Gold Coast investment property will need some repairs. It’s a fact of life that sooner or later your Gold Coast investment property will need some repairs. Before calling to advise you of the repair request, your property manager here at Sutherlands Property Management will make […]

What to consider when selecting Gold Coast Property Manager

While many investors spend a large amount of time and effort carefully researching the property markets and then finding the top investment, they ignore the role that a professional Gold Coast property manager can play in preserving their Gold Coast Investment property’s capital value and maximizing its income. With the Gold Coast Rental property market […]

Can Your Gold Coast Property Manager Answer These Questions Confidently?

Sutherlands Remember when choosing a Gold Coast property manager you are looking for someone that can assist in maintaining and maximizing your Gold Coast investment property, not just  rent collector. The focus over the next few posts are qualifying questions to ask when considering a Gold Coast property manger for you investment property. Does the […]

Put your Gold Coast Property Manager to the test!

Its time for to put your Gold Coast Property Manager to the test! How many years has the Gold Coast property manager been with the agency? You should look for stability in your Gold Coast property manager. You want someone who will learn your property inside and out. You want to pick up the phone […]

Why should I get a building inspection report on my investment property?

At Sutherlands Property Management Group we recommend to our investor clients to consider obtaining a building inspection report on their investment property as an extension of our routine inspections. Our Regular Routine report on the tenants care and maintenance of your Gold Coast investment property and to detail any suggested preventative maintenance. As detailed (and […]

The Dangers for the Private Landlord

Many landlords see property investment as a wealth creation strategy . Many choose to use a property management service, however a number of landlords believe they can successfully mange their rental property themselves but here at Sutherlands Property Management Group we find that more and more private landlords are running into problems they didn’t expect. […]

How Cheap Agent Fees Becomes Poor Service

‘you get what you pay for’ When landlords select a property manager, sometimes they have the wrong impression that service standards are the same in every agency. When they get offered really cheap rates, it seems like a bargain! In property management, the rule that ‘you get what you pay for’ is very true and […]